Suri Cruise has 200000 worth of shoes

SURI Cruise‘s shoe collection is worth over $200,000.The five-year-old daughter of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes has reportedly had several pairs of high-heeled footwear specially-made for her and already has favourite designers.“Suri has so many designer shoes,” a source said.“She’s a massive fan of Marc Jacobs and she’s had several shoes custom-made, so if they didn’t come with a heel, Katie had them redesigned for Suri. She commissioned a pair of Louboutins for her a while back!”Suri is said to insist on only wearing high heels and her famous father is happy to indulge her tastes.“The older she gets, the less she wants to wear anything but little heels,” said the source.“Even when she’s going to play dates or walking on the beach, she cries if Katie reaches for anything but a little pair of sandals with some sort of heel. She literally cries, ‘No, Mama, no!’ And then points to whatever pair she feels like wearing — no matter how inappropriate!“Tom loves seeing his little girl dressed up so girlie and cute. He encourages her to wear frilly dresses and tiny heels. He says Suri is growing up to be as fashionable as her mum.“Everything’s pink. She’s a young girl who knows what she wants.”However, Katie is said to be getting tired of her daughter’s requests — particularly as she also insists on selecting outfits for her parents.“It’s hard keeping up with a growing girl. Suri sometimes picks out the shoes her mum should wear, and then picks out shoes for her dad,” said the source.“They genuinely seem to value her opinion and want her to make her own decisions.

Jagannath University students are still on road

Agitation by Jagannath University students over a funding row has entered the fourth day amid class boycotts.
The students intermittently marched through the campus and demonstrated on Wednesday to demand that authorities repeal a provision that the university should generate its own income to run its activities.
The students began their protests on Sunday, triggering clashes with police.
According to the Article 27 (4) of the Jagannath University Act- 2005, the university authority will have to fund its operations themselves. The Jagannath College, founded in 1884, was amended to a university in 2005.
The protest was halted on Monday for the time being following assurance from the ruling party that the matter would be resolved after discussions with the government.
However, the agitation resumed on Tuesday with the students locking the university vice-chancellor’s office and the administration building, setting fire to the finance minister’s effigy.
The students say the university increased their semester fees from Tk 3,500 to Tk 20,000 to raise internal revenue. Their other demands include recovery of university dormitories, setting up of a library and increasing transport facilities.
The angry students began their protests at 11am on Sunday in front of the National Press Club after they came to know about the funding rule from a newspaper report.
Police charged batons to disperse them and the students, in retaliation, smashed several vehicles.
The students of JnU have long been demanding the rule be repealed amid support from the teachers.
The university’s proctor, Ashok Kumar Saha, had earlier said that they were in touch with the government to repeal this clause as its implementation would hike tuition fees and there will be very little difference between Jagannath University and other private colleges.
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